Swedish man allegedly broke Taiwan taxi driver’s teeth over $15 fare – Taiwan News Feedzy


TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Robin Johansson, the son-in-law of former Presidential Office Secretary-General Su Jia-chyuan (蘇嘉全) reportedly violently assaulted a taxi driver while drunk in June of this year, breaking three of the driver’s teeth.

It is alleged Johansson refused to pay a fare of NT$485 (US$15) when returning home early one morning in June. He then violently assaulted the taxi driver, ETtoday reported.

The driver reported the incident the police. However, Shilin district prosecutors office opted not to prosecute Johansson.

Record of the assault charge against Robin Johansson (Shilin prosecutors office photo)

Johansson boarded the taxi from the Zhongshan North Road Section 7 in the Shilin District. An argument between him and the driver broke out over the fare, it is reported.

Mr. K provided a detailed account of the incident. He described the altercation that took place after waiting for a passenger in the Zhongxiao East Road area.

He said, a foreign passenger, who was heavily intoxicated, entered his taxi. When he asked the passenger for the destination, he only mumbled the word “Tianmu,” offering no specific details, he added.

He said Tianmu is a large area, and he was unsure of the precise location. He added he proceeded to head toward the Tianmu roundabout.

When they reached the Zhongshan North Road Section 7, Johansson insisted on disembarking. He also refused to pay the NT$485 fare, Mr. K said.

Johansson, who is the CEO of a home design company, claimed he had no money in his wallet, even though money was visible inside it, Mr. K said. Mr. K did not to use force due to the risk of being accused of robbery, ETA reported.

The two began to argue over the fare in the taxi, Mr. K said. Unexpectedly, Johansson resorted to physical violence, punching him in the face, he added.

He said Johansson delivered three punches in quick succession, causing him to lose 3.5 teeth. He added Johansson exited the taxi, leaving him in the car.

Mr. K said he immediately went to the local police station to report the incident. He and the police returned to the scene, but Johansson had already left, he added.

Mr. K said when he provided his statement to police, Johansson denied any physical contact. Johansson’s wife allegedly accused him of attempted robbery, he added.

Johansson’s wife said “you were trying to rob us, and my husband only acted in self-defense”, he alleged.

He said he was was infuriated by the claim and retorted, “He’s 190cm tall, I’m 172cm tall, and my leg was injured. How could I possibly rob him?” He recalled telling the Johansson and the authorities at the time “Let’s not discuss this for now.”

He provided the police with medical examination records and his broken teeth as evidence. He believed the case would follow due process.

An assault case against Johansson was set to be heard in courth on Sept. 19 of this year. However, to Mr. K’s surprise, on Sept. 15 he received notice that the case would be dealt with by mediation instead.

On Sept.15, Mr. K and his younger brother attended a mediation session at the Beitou District Mediation Committee.

Mr. K alleged the mediator told him “You can’t expect much compensation since you don’t even have a medical examination record.” He told me I would receive NT$10,000 at the most, he added.

Mr. K’s younger brother, was shocked by the mediator’s words. He responded, “We attached the record!”

Mr. K was told the evidence he had provided including the medical record and his broken teeth had gone missing.

The situation left the brothers feeling helpless and that the mediator was baised in favour of Johansson. They ultimately settled for NT$88,000 which covered the cost of dental work and compensated Mr. K for emotional distress, ETtodat reported.

Both brothers felt bound to accept the settlement agreement. They had to work and did not have enough time to deal with the legal proceedings, said Mr K.

Prosecutors opted not to press charges against Johansson.

Mr. K concluded by saying that as a taxi driver, he occasionally encounters unruly passengers. The incident with Johansson however marked the first time he had experienced severe assault, he added.

He said he drives a taxi because his leg is not entirely fit. He added, he does not intended to gain further financial compensation, but he seeks justice.

He said although he reached a settlement with Johansson, he wants to show the hidden hardships that people in some occupations face. He hopes that people can respect each other, he added.