Taiwan’s National Security Council (NSC) Secretary-General Wellington Koo (顧立雄) explains the lurking risks of China’s intervention in the 2024 presidential election. (Photo: Liberty Times)
National Security Council (NSC) Secretary-General Wellington Koo (顧立雄) recently addressed concerns over potential Chinese Communist Party (CCP) interference in the upcoming 2024 presidential election during a Liberty Times interview aired on Friday.
Koo outlined two strategies he believes the CCP might adopt to disrupt Taiwanese society. Firstly, creating an atmosphere of hostility towards the ruling party. Secondly, promoting skepticism towards the United States and exploiting fears of war.
Koo said the methods used could be diverse. For example, establishing multi-channel networks, organizations that help creators to produce videos in exchange for a share of the channel’s revenues. Koo also said, they might cultivate social media influencers on YouTube, Facebook, Instagram and Tiktok to collaboratively sway public opinions, and use numerous coordinated accounts to spread their messages.
Another concern Koo raised was the advancement of AI and deep-fake technology which could be used to create convincing misinformation and disrupt people’s conception about politics. Civilians should be equipped with media literacy skills to tell the accuracy of information.
Koo said Taiwan must defend itself and clarify rumors and false information promptly. He pointed out that the cost for the CCP to generate such interference is relatively low, but worries that the cost to combat the CCP influence could be enormous.