China endorses KMT ‘collaboration’ in Taiwan – ???? Feedzy


Taiwanese never agreed to the so-called ‘1992 consensus,’ since it compromises Taiwan’s sovereignty and self-governance, a legislator said

By Jason Pan / Staff reporter

China’s Taiwan Affairs Office (TAO) issued a statement yesterday to endorse its collaboration with the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) for cross-strait relations based on the so-called “1992 consensus,” and opposing Taiwan independence.

The release came following a meeting between KMT Deputy Chairman Andrew Hsia (???) and TAO Director Song Tao (??) on Wednesday in Yuncheng City in Shanxi Province, China, as Hsia leads a KMT delegation for a week-long visit to attend business forums and political talks in the country.

Song quoted in the statement saying: “We shall work together with the KMT and other political parties on Taiwan Island, along with organizations having the common political stance, to carry out works for cross-strait peace and returning to the correct path. Together we can achieve long-lasting prosperity and well-being for the revitalization of the Chinese race.”

Photo: Wang Shan-yan, Taipei Times

Song said the common stance of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) and the KMT is based on opposing Taiwan independence, and upholding the “1992 consensus,” which refers to a tacit understanding between the CCP and the KMT that both sides of the Strait acknowledge there is “one China,” with each side having its own interpretation of what “China” means.

The ruling Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) does not acknowledge the “consensus,” which former KMT official Su Chi (??) in 2006 said that he made up in 2000.

The TAO statement quoted Hsia as saying: “Currently the cross-strait situation is quite severe, and the KMT is willing to enhance collaboration with the CPP, based on the ‘1992 consensus’ and opposing Taiwan independence. We shall strive for peace and prosperity for our compatriots across the Taiwan Strait.”

In the release, Song also was quoted as saying: “Taiwan’s separatist forces are forging links with outside forces, to provoke conflict for their separatist goals, which have harmed the interests of Taiwan compatriots, undermined stability across the Strait. Taiwan has to choose between war and peace, and to have prosperity or economic decaying.”

Hsia and the KMT delegation started their China trip on Monday to meet with Chinese officials, and also to attend the opening of a business forum in Taiyuan City in Shanxi Province on economic opportunities for Taiwanese companies and Taiwanese youth to do business in Shanxi.

DPP Legislator Wang Mei-hui (???) slammed Hsia for “complying with” all demands by Chinese officials.

“If Hsia believes having political consensus with the CCP is so great, then he should move to China,” Hsia said. “He should not continue to collect his pension issued by Taiwan government.”

Wang said: “We [the DPP] request the KMT to stop bashing and antagonizing Taiwan. The so-called ‘1992 consensus’ was made up, in the collusion by the KMT and the CCP, and Taiwanese have never agreed to it, since it compromises our nation’s sovereignty and self-governance.”

Hsia has visited China three times this year. His first trip was in February, and he visited several cities and met with top CCP officials in Beijing. Then he represented the KMT at China’s Straits Forum in Xiamen in June.

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