China ramps up gray-zone tactics against Taiwan – Taiwan News Feedzy


TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — China has increased gray-zone tactics against Taiwan, according to a Ministry of National Defense (MND) report on Thursday (March 7), per Reuters.

Gray zone tactics are defined as “an effort or series of efforts beyond steady-state deterrence and assurance that attempts to achieve one’s security objectives without resort to direct and sizable use of force.” In the report sent to the legislature, the MND said China has launched “multi-front saturated gray-zone” warfare to harass Taiwan, including increased Chinese aircraft and ship activity around the nation.

The report noted that Beijing has tried to “increase burdens of our naval and air forces and to obscure the existence” of the Taiwan Strait median line. The MND also said China has used research and militia ships to “disguise military activities with civilians,” per Reuters.

In response to the Chinese threats, the MND is moving to “preserve” its troops in the event of a conflict. This will be done by bolstering the resilience of its infrastructure and running exercises to ensure Taiwanese forces last in a protracted war, in addition to stockpiling weapons and fuel, Reuters noted.

The ministry said that during a conflict, China would try to invade Taiwan quickly to prevent outside forces like the U.S. from intervening. The MND said they are working to diversify command systems and introduce more mobile and long-range weapons, in addition to AI, while increasing “connections” with allies, including the United States, according to Reuters.

Meanwhile, Taiwan’s Air Force Command on Tuesday (March 5) said it is resuming late-night flight training to enhance the nighttime combat capabilities of pilots and to improve tactical experience.
