Communist Party must ‘win the hearts’ of Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan people: Xi – South China Morning Post Feedzy


The Chinese Communist Party must “win the hearts” of people in Hong Kong, Macau and Taiwan by strengthening patriotic and reunification forces, President Xi Jinping said in an article to be published just days after an independence-leaning candidate was elected head of the self-ruled island.

The strategies for united front work for the three places were listed in the 12-point article written by Xi and set to be published by Qiushi, a magazine of the party’s Central Committee, on Tuesday.

“Do a good job in winning the hearts of Hong Kong, Macau, Taiwan and overseas,” Xi wrote. “Develop and strengthen the patriotic forces in Hong Kong and Macau, and enhance their national awareness and patriotism.”

He also wrote: “Develop and strengthen Taiwan’s patriotic, reunification forces. Oppose ‘Taiwan independence’ separatist activities, and promote its complete reunification with the motherland.”

Democratic Progressive Party’s William Lai emerged as the winner of Taiwan’s presidential election on Saturday. Photo: AP

On Saturday, Taiwan’s ruling Democratic Progressive Party’s William Lai Ching-te – branded a threat to peace by Beijing – won the presidential election, defeating Hou Yu-ih from the Beijing-friendly Kuomintang and Ko Wen-je of the Taiwan People’s Party.

On the campaign trail, Lai stated there was “no need to declare independence, because Taiwan is already an independent sovereign state – its name is the Republic of China – Taiwan”.

Following the election, Beijing’s Taiwan Affairs Office said the vote “would not impede the inevitable trend of China’s reunification”, according to state news agency Xinhua.

In a speech Xi delivered at the Central United Front Work Conference in 2022, he called for efforts to “win hearts” and “strengthen team building of non-party representatives”.

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The article to be published on Tuesday is titled “Important thoughts of the complete, accurate and comprehensive implementation of the party’s united front work in the new era”.

Xi, who also serves as party general secretary, said united front work would become “more important” as internal and external situations facing the organisation “changed tremendously”.

He said the party’s success hinged on its ability to win hearts, which he regarded as “the biggest politics”. Intellectuals who were not party members should be “respected and guided” to achieve results, he added.

Xi also called for efforts to guide overseas Chinese, returned ones and their family members to devote themselves to the modernisation of the motherland and the cause of peaceful reunification.