Foreign minister Joseph Wu encourages more international … – Radio Taiwan International Feedzy


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Foreign minister Joseph Wu and international representatives standing in front of Green Jade, Taiwan’s offshore heavy lift installation vessel. (Photo: Ministry of Foreign Affairs)

The foreign ministry hopes to enhance international visibility and collaboration for Taiwan’s aerospace industry. That’s the word from foreign minister Joseph Wu (???) after his ministry set up an industry visit for ambassadors and representatives stationed in Taiwan last weekend.

Representatives from 25 countries participated in on-site visits in southern Taiwan. The group visited several leading Taiwanese companies in the aerospace industry, including the award-winning PilotGaea Technology, the largest shipbuilding company in Taiwan CSBC, the Aerospace Industrial Development Corporation (AIDC), and the drone startup company Taiwan UAV.

The foreign ministry hopes that through the visit, foreign representatives in Taiwan would learn about the latest development of Taiwan’s national aerospace industry and AR/VR applications. Minister Wu said he hoped to create more opportunities for international cooperation as aerospace and national defense are two core industries the Tsai administration aims to further develop in Taiwan.


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