Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Wang Wenbin’s Regular Press … – ?????? Feedzy


At the invitation of Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi, Minister for Foreign Affairs of Denmark Lars L?kke Rasmussen will pay an official visit to China from August 16 to 19.

CCTV: We noted that Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi just concluded his visit to three Southeast Asian countries. Can you share more details about the visit?

Wang Wenbin: From August 10 to 13, Member of the Political Bureau of the CPC Central Committee and Minister of Foreign Affairs Wang Yi visited Singapore, Malaysia and Cambodia.

During Wang Yi’s visit to Singapore, Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong met with him. Wang Yi also met with Deputy Prime Minister Lawrence Wong and Minister for Foreign Affairs Vivian Balakrishnan respectively. Wang Yi noted that the leaders of the two countries jointly announced in March this year to upgrade the China-Singapore relationship to an all-round high-quality future-oriented partnership, opening up new prospects for high-level mutually beneficial cooperation between the two sides. Under the strategic guidance of the leaders of the two countries, China is willing to work with Singapore to expand areas of cooperation, strengthen coordination on multilateral affairs and showcase the multiple dimensions of our relationship under the new characterization. China will work with ASEAN countries to build a peaceful, safe and secure, prosperous, beautiful and amicable home for China and ASEAN and push forward the sustained growth of China-ASEAN comprehensive strategic partnership. Singapore spoke highly of China’s resolve and efforts to advance its modernization drive, noting that the two sides have yielded fruitful results in Belt and Road cooperation. Singapore will work with China to jointly promote Singapore-China cooperation and open a new chapter of bilateral relations. Singapore opposes the law of the jungle and power politics, and supports deepening ASEAN-China cooperation to jointly safeguard regional peace, stability and development, uphold the World Trade Organization rules, and safeguard a fair, open, and inclusive cooperation framework.

During Wang Yi’s visit to Malaysia, Prime Minister Anwar Ibrahim met with him. Wang Yi also had talks with Minister of Foreign Affairs Zambry Abd Kadir. Wang Yi noted that this year marks the 10th anniversary of the establishment of a comprehensive strategic partnership between China and Malaysia, and next year the two countries will celebrate the 50th anniversary of diplomatic relations. China is ready to work with Malaysia to maintain the sound and strong momentum of growth in bilateral relations, expand cooperation areas, achieve mutual benefit, win-win results, and common development, and pursue concrete and solid progress in building a China-Malaysia community with a shared future. Malaysia noted that China is a reliable and good friend of Malaysia and the two countries enjoy a special friendship and robust cooperation. Malaysia highly appreciates and supports the important global initiatives put forward by President Xi Jinping. Malaysia will continue to actively participate in Belt and Road cooperation, strengthen ties at all levels and in various fields, and expand mutual benefit and win-win results.

During Wang Yi’s visit to Cambodia, King Norodom Sihamoni, Prime Minister Hun Sen and Prime Minister-designate Hun Manet met with him respectively. Wang Yi also met with Deputy Prime Minister Hor Namhong and Deputy Prime Minister-designate Sun Chanthol, Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister Prak Sokhonn, and Deputy Prime Minister and Foreign Minister-designate Sok Chenda Sophea respectively. Wang Yi extended congratulations to Cambodia on the successful general election. He noted that as a comprehensive strategic cooperative partner which is building the China-Cambodia community with a shared future, China firmly supports Cambodia in pursuing a development path suited to its national conditions, and safeguarding sovereignty, independence and national dignity. China is ready to strengthen solidarity and cooperation with Cambodia, enrich the “diamond hexagon” bilateral cooperation framework, and build a high-quality, high-level and high-standard China-Cambodia community with a shared future in a new era, so that the friendship between the two countries is deeply rooted in people’s hearts and passes on from generation to generation. Cambodia noted that it views China as a source of real strategic support and strong strategic backing, and will not waver in its resolve to consolidate and deepen Cambodia-China solidarity and friendship. They look forward to taking the 65th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries and the Cambodia-China Year of Friendship this year as an opportunity to set a good example for high-quality Belt and Road cooperation, and advance the Cambodia-China community with a shared future to a new level.

CCTV: Last weekend, the 84-km eastern bid section of Algeria’s East-West Highway built with the participation of a Chinese company opened to traffic, marking the official completion of the entire project which was launched 16 years ago. Do you have any comment?

Wang Wenbin: We are glad that Algeria’s East-West Highway project has officially opened to traffic. The 1,216-km highway is the highest-level road project built under the most complex geological conditions since the founding of Algeria. In particular, the 84-km eastern bid section is prone to geological disasters and faced enormous construction difficulties. It was described by many as “a nightmare for geological engineers”. Since the Chinese company took over the project, they worked in concert with the Algerian side, providing Chinese solutions to the technical difficulties and with high quality work turning a half-finished road into a road to prosperity. While building the project, the Chinese companies also trained nearly 10,000 local construction workers. The project has benefited close to 40 million residents and received wide appreciation in Algeria. The project has become a fine example of China-Algeria and China-Africa Belt and Road cooperation.

China stands ready to work with Algeria and the rest of the world to advance high-quality Belt and Road cooperation and boost world economic recovery and sustainable development.

AFP: The Chinese Defense Minister will attend an international conference in Russia and pay a visit to Belarus this week. How significant is this for China? Also, Russian President Vladimir Putin plans to visit China in October, according to officials. Do you have any information about it?

Wang Wenbin: On your first question, the spokesperson for China’s Ministry of National Defense has released the information, which you may refer to.

On your second question, the presidents of China and Russia have maintained strategic communication in various ways. Their discussions cover a rich and comprehensive range of topics. High-level exchanges have proceeded in an orderly manner with extensive exchange of views on bilateral cooperation and issues of mutual interest. The two sides will continue to advance the China-Russia comprehensive strategic partnership of coordination for a new era under the strategic guidance of the presidents of the two countries.

The Paper: A political scholar in Guatemala analyzed that the Seed Movement party candidate Bernardo Arevalo is very likely to win the second round of voting and he will recognize the one-China principle and establish diplomatic ties with China after being elected. What’s China’s comment?

Wang Wenbin: There is only one China in the world. The government of the People’s Republic of China is the sole legal government representing the whole of China. Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory. The one-China principle is a universally recognized norm in international relations and a prevailing consensus among the international community. The fact that China has established diplomatic relations with 182 countries fully shows that establishing diplomatic ties with China is the right choice that accords with the trend of history and our times.

China is Guatemala’s second largest source of imports and the fifth largest destination of exports. Recognizing the one-China principle and developing relations with China serves the fundamental interest of Guatemala. It is what its people want. We believe that Guatemala will choose the right side of history and make the right decision that serves the fundamental and long-term interests of the country and its people.

Associated Press of Pakistan: Anwar-ul-Haq Kakar has been named Caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan. Does China have any response to it?

Wang Wenbin: China congratulates Mr. Kakar on his appointment as Caretaker Prime Minister of Pakistan. No matter how the international landscape and the domestic situation in Pakistan may change, the ironclad friendship between China and Pakistan will always remain rock-firm and unbreakable. China stands ready to work with Pakistan to advance our all-weather strategic cooperative partnership, build an even closer China-Pakistan community with a shared future in the new era, and bring more benefits to the two countries and two peoples.

Bloomberg: I’d like to ask about the visit last week to Taiwan by three lawmakers from the Baltic states, one each from Estonia, Lithuania and Latvia. Does the foreign ministry have any comment about such a visit by the three lawmakers from the Baltic countries?

Wang Wenbin: There is only one China in the world and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory. China firmly opposes all forms of official interaction between the Taiwan authorities and countries having diplomatic ties with China. We urge relevant parties to abide by the one-China principle, refrain from sending wrong signals to the “Taiwan independence” separatist forces and take concrete actions to safeguard the sound and steady development of bilateral relations.

Beijing Daily: According to reports, on August 13, Chinese engineers were attacked at Gwadar Port in Pakistan. Could you share some details? Are there any Chinese casualties? What’s your comment on the incident?

Wang Wenbin: On August 13, a convoy from a Chinese project at Gwadar Port was hit by roadside bombs and gunshots, and no Chinese citizens were killed or injured. China strongly condemns this terrorist act and has asked the Pakistani authorities to bring the perpetrators to justice and take actions to keep Chinese nationals safe.

The Chinese embassy and consulate in Pakistan immediately activated the emergency response mechanism and reminded Chinese nationals, companies and project construction teams in Pakistan to stay alert, upgrade security measures, closely follow the security situation on the ground, guard against security risks, and keep themselves safe.

China will continue to work with Pakistan to jointly guard against and counter the threats of terrorism and effectively protect the safety of Chinese personnel, institutions and projects in Pakistan. No attempt to sabotage the friendship between China and Pakistan and the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) will succeed.