Foreign Ministry strongly rejects Putin’s claims that Taiwan is part of … – Radio Taiwan International Feedzy

 Russian President Vladimir Putin met with China’s President Xi Jinping on October 18. (Photo: Reuters)

The Foreign Ministry on Thursday solemnly refuted claims made by Russian President Vladimir Putin that there is only one China, and Taiwan is an inalienable part of China’s territory. The comments were made on Wednesday during a meeting with China’s President Xi Jinping. 

The ministry strongly condemns Russia’s compliance with the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) authoritarian position. It says the comments were absurd and untrue, and that any distortion of Taiwan’s status by the Chinese regime will not change the internationally recognized cross-strait status quo.

The Foreign Ministry says that China and Russia’s authoritarian expansionism threatens the basic values ​​of democracy, freedom, the rule of law, and human rights. Additionally, it causes a serious threat to international security, peace, and stability.

The ministry reiterates that only the government democratically elected by the people of Taiwan can represent the country. It says the CCP regime has never had jurisdiction over Taiwan. The ministry adds that Taiwan’s people and government will unite to defend against attacks from China. At the same time, they will strengthen cooperation with democratic countries to maintain global stability and prosperity, and a free and open Indo-Pacific region.