Group to publish more accessible civil defense guide – 台北時報 Feedzy


By Jake Chung / Staff writer, with CNA

A civil defense action guide, the result of a collaboration between Taiwanese and US groups, is expected to be published in November and would be free to download online, civic group Watchout said yesterday.

Watchout last year published the first civic version of a civil defense guide, of which 10,000 volumes were sold, Hsiao Chang-chan (蕭長展), the guide’s editor-in-chief, told a news conference in Taipei.

Watchout said it was publishing a new book as China’s threat against Taiwan had not lessened, adding that the book would hopefully enable members of the public to be prepared for actual scenarios that might occur in the event of a Chinese attack on Taiwan.

Photo: Chang Chia-ming, Taipei Times

The publication’s content should not conflict with the official civil defense guide published by the Ministry of National Defense, the group said, adding that its version would approach the issue from the perspective of a civilian.

Watchout is also preparing a Web site that would incorporate lessons on first aid, psychological first aid and fitness training, Hsiao said.

Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Legislator Lin Ching-yi (林靜儀) said that from the perspective of a middle-aged woman who has never served in the military, the defense ministry’s civil defense guide is unrealistic and less approachable than the Watchout guide.

She cited a passage from the ministry’s guide, which states that it would provide the public with the telephone number of the water company in the event of a water shortage during a war.

The group’s publication could help shape policy and save the ministry’s official version, which is parochial, she said.

Concerned individuals have often asked her where they can learn to shoot and use grenades, Lin said, adding that the public should be concerned about protecting themselves and, most importantly, not becoming a problem.

The group’s publication would help people to separate false news reports from accurate information, she said.

Spirit of America Asia-Pacific regional director Joshua Brandon, who attended the event, said that he believes a solid and healthy society is the key to democracy, adding that the US is Taiwan’s best friend and partner.

DPP Legislator Enoch Wu (吳怡農) said that national defense knowledge and skills should be promoted online instead of being kept in the hands of a few.

As Watchout’s last guide was produced by two to three staffers, the new edition would be better, as it has more collaborators, he said.

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