Ko Wen-je optimistic about future of Taiwan People’s Party – Taiwan News Feedzy


TAIPEI (Taiwan News) — Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) Chair Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) held town hall-style meetings with party members in Taoyuan and Hsinchu on Saturday (Feb. 3).

Speaking before supporters, Ko said that despite the difficulties his party has faced and will continue to face, he remains optimistic about the party’s growth ahead of the 2026 and 2028 elections. “In only four years since it was established, the TPP has already shaken the blue and green camps with its support base of 22%,” Ko told supporters.

Ko told supporters that he is writing a book based on the turnout of the presidential election that will also serve as a playbook for the party in future elections, reported LTN. The book will cover the missteps and successes of the TPP’s presidential and legislative campaigns throughout Taiwan.

Hsinchu is reportedly where TPP support was the highest, with the party receiving 30% of the electorate’s support in the county. With a TPP mayor, Ann Kao (高虹安), governing in Hsinchu City and strong support throughout Hsinchu County, Ko said he will think carefully about selecting a candidate to represent the TPP in the 2026 election for county magistrate.

As far as individual voting precincts, National Quemoy University in Kinmen was surprisingly strong in its support for Ko, where the TPP garnered 2,000 out of about 4,000 votes. Ko said that such turnout has alarmed both the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) and the Kuomintang (KMT), proving that there is ample room for the TPP to grow into a major political force.

He also suggested that as people become dissatisfied with the governance of the DPP in the Executive Yuan and the KMT in the Legislative Yuan, the TPP will naturally increase its support base over the next few years.

Based on voting trends, Ko said the TPP’s primary goal will be expanding the youth vote. To help boost the party, the TPP will launch an online TV station and digital media team to increase the party’s online presence.

In response to criticisms that the party does not have a well-defined platform or identity, the TPP will also cultivate a group of dedicated spokespersons to clarify its platform and ensure consistent messaging. With hard work and a focus on improving the party’s message, Ko said he is confident that the TPP will be a more successful force in Taiwanese politics than previous third parties.