Mainland Chinese authorities announce new steps to draw Taiwanese to Fujian – South China Morning Post Feedzy


The mainland Chinese authorities have streamlined the legal procedures for Taiwanese people who want to travel to and work in the neighbouring province of Fujian in the latest push to attract residents from the island.

Ten new measures will take effect from January 1 next year, according to a notice posted on the website of China’s National Immigration Administration on Monday.

Any Taiwanese citizen who travels to the mainland from the offshore islands of Quemoy – also known as Kinmen – will be able to apply online for a document known as compatriot permit and collect it on arrival in the province.

They can then use this one-time document to apply for a permit that allows them to travel to and from the mainland or stay there for five years. The authorities have expanded the use of this permit in recent years to make it easier for Taiwanese to access financial and medical services on the Chinese mainland.

The waiting period for Taiwanese seeking permanent residency in Fujian will also be reduced from 20 working days to 10 under the new measures.

The new guidelines also state that the authorities will reduce the waiting time for travel documents for both mainlanders and Taiwanese living in the mainland cities of Xiamen and Fuzhou or the Taipei-controlled islands of Quemoy and Matsu from seven to five working days.

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The National Immigration Administration said these measures would allow Taiwanese to go to Fujian “whenever they want” and “further promote people-to-people exchanges between Fujian and Taiwan, facilitate the residence and life of Taiwanese compatriots in Fujian, and deepen cross-strait integration and development in various fields”.

The new measures will also simplify the legal process for issuing travel permits to Taiwanese tour groups visiting Fujian and to mainlanders with relatives in Taiwan.

“High-level talents” from Taiwan working in Fujian will be allowed to bring their foreign domestic helpers to the mainland, and the border inspection procedures for fishing and commercial vessels travelling between Fujian and Taiwan will be simplified.

The new measures will simplify the process of granting travel permits to Taiwanese tour groups. Photo: Xinhua

In the notice, mainland authorities pledged that local governments in Fujian would provide better services to Taiwanese residents and businesses and expand the use of Taiwan compatriot permits for e-payment and medical services, transport and hotels.

Fujian is geographically and culturally the closest region to Taiwan and in 2019, Chinese President Xi Jinping called on the province to explore new paths of integration and development with Taiwan.

In September, Beijing unveiled guidelines to make Fujian province a model zone for cross-strait “integration”.

Beijing has previously announced several measures to attract Taiwanese residents and businesses, including a 31-point package in February 2018 designed to attract more investors and young jobseekers.

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Beijing regards Taiwan as a breakaway province that must eventually be reunited with mainland China – by force if necessary.

Most countries do not recognise Taiwan as an independent state, but many are opposed to change of status quo by force.