Overseas Taiwanese a force for good: Tsai – ???? Feedzy


The OCAC minister thanked Taiwanese living abroad for their commitment to working with the government to protect and promote Taiwan

By Liu Tzu-hsuan / Staff reporter

Overseas Taiwanese are a vanguard to introduce Taiwan as a force for good to the world, President Tsai Ing-wen (???) said yesterday in an address to the Overseas Compatriots Affairs Commission’s (OCAC) General Assembly of Council Members.

Tsai thanked council members for helping overseas Taiwanese overcome challenges during the COVID-19 pandemic and leading efforts to donate disease-prevention supplies to other countries.

Taiwan’s ranking in the International Institute for Management Development’s world competitiveness report climbed from 14th in 2016, when she was inaugurated as president, to sixth this year, she said.

Photo: Lo Pei-de, Taipei Times

In particular, Taiwan’s ranking in terms of infrastructure improved from 19th to 12th during the same period, she added.

When the government develops sound infrastructure, manufacturers would be drawn to invest in Taiwan, which can in turn build up the nation’s economic momentum, she said.

This is why she has been systematically increasing investment in infrastructure since taking office, aiding the economy to grow an average of 3.4 percent from 2016 to last year, she said.

She urged overseas Taiwanese to promote Taiwan’s advanced development abroad, and invited Taiwanese and foreign businesses to invest in the country.

“We welcome the world to Taiwan and continue to bring Taiwan to the world,” Tsai said.

Taiwan has won more international support in the past few years, frequently welcoming friends from the EU, the US, Japan and all over the world to visit the nation to show their support, she said.

Tsai visited Guatemala and Belize in March and Vice President William Lai (???) attended Paraguayan President Santiago Pena’s inauguration ceremony earlier this month.

Such visits were completed successfully thanks to the contribution of overseas Taiwanese, she said, adding that she was looking forward to meeting with Taiwanese compatriots in Eswatini during her trip to the African ally next week.

Taiwanese living abroad are lively and active, working toward a brighter future by holding activities and providing services to local societies, OCAC Minister Hsu Chia-ching (???) said.

Overseas Taiwanese are valuable assets of the country, as they are committed to working together with the government to protect Taiwan regardless of their political affiliation or where they live, she said.

Taiwan will continue to contribute to the world while upholding the values of freedom and democracy, she said.

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