Taiwan President Tsai tests positive for COVID-19 – Reuters Feedzy


TAIPEI, July 25 (Reuters) – Taiwan President Tsai Ing-wen tested positive for COVID-19 on Tuesday, the Presidential Office said, adding her itinerary for Tuesday afternoon has been cancelled.

Tsai felt “minor discomfort” and tested positive after having a rapid test, the office said in a statement.

“The president is currently showing mild symptoms and is being taken care of by a medical team,” the statement said, adding that the team advised her to cancel her schedule for the rest of the day.

The statement said Tsai has urged Premier Chen Chien-jen to work closely with the administration to step up preparations as super typhoon Doksuri was expected to skirt past southern Taiwan, bringing strong winds and rainfall.

Reporting by Yimou Lee; Editing by Christopher Cushing and Jacqueline Wong

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