Taiwan Voters Defy Beijing in Electing New President – The Wall Street Journal Feedzy


In the run-up to Taiwan’s presidential election, government officials and NGOs say the island has been targeted by thousands of disinformation attacks, which authorities say is an attempt by China to influence the pivotal vote. China has denied it is trying to interfere. Photo Composite: Diana Chan

TAIPEI—China’s least preferred candidate won Taiwan’s presidential vote on Saturday, extending the dominance of a ruling party that Beijing has denounced as a separatist force and raising the specter of four more years of geopolitical tensions around the island democracy.

Taiwanese Vice President Lai Ching-te claimed 40% of the vote in a rare and volatile three-way race, beating out second-place finisher Hou Yu-ih of the Kuomintang, or Nationalist Party, by nearly 7 percentage points.

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