TSP demands an investigation into Xu Chunying – 台北時報 Feedzy


By Chien Li-chung and Jason Pan / Staff reporters

Taiwan Statebuilding Party (TSP) legislative candidate Yang Pei-hua (楊佩樺) yesterday called for an investigation into allegations that Xu Chunying (徐春鶯), a China-born potential legislative candidate, was conducting Chinese “united front” work in Taiwan.

Heading to the Taipei District Prosecutors’ Office yesterday to file a complaint, Yang accused Xu of contravening the National Security Act (國家安全法) by receiving funding from Beijing to develop pro-China networks in Taiwan and broaden her political influence.

Following media reports that Xu is on the Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) potential legislators-at-large list, she has faced allegations that she was a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) member, had worked for Chinese government entities and is connected with China’s United Front Work Department.

Photo: George Tsorng, Taipei Times

Yang said that Xu had said that she had worked for the Shanghai Municipal Commission of Commerce in the1980s after graduating from the city’s Fudan University.

Xu was promoted to lead the human resources section, occupying a high position that comes with a chauffeur-driven service, Yang said.

Xu left China in 1993 after marrying a Taiwanese man, then gave up her Chinese residency to obtain Republic of China citizenship in 2000, Yang said.

People have presented evidence that Xu has made numerous trips to China in the past few years to attend meetings convened by Chinese government bodies, including the CCP-affiliated United Front Work Department and the Taiwan Affairs Office, Yang said.

Photographs and documents show Xu participating in these meetings in her role as chairwoman of the Taiwan New Residents’ Development Association, Yang said, adding that there was “united front” work to promote Chinese propaganda and political warfare campaigns in Taiwan.

Xu is also secretary-general of the Taiwan-based Chinese Cross-Strait Marriage and Family Service Alliance, which provides assistance to Chinese spouses, promotes marriages between Taiwanese and Chinese individuals, and provides legal and social welfare services.

Yang said that the TSP has proof that Xu has been receiving funding from the Chinese government to attend the meetings in China and operate the two organizations in Taiwan.

These are in contravention of Article 2 of the National Security Act, which bans people from directing an organization on behalf of a foreign country, as well as rules against receiving financial support from a hostile foreign power, Yang said.

“We demand that Xu show accounting reports of the two organizations to show where their finances come from,” Yang said. “Xu wants to join Taiwanese politics, so she must show proof that she is no longer a CCP member.”

Yang also said that TPP Chairman and presidential candidate Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) is following instructions from Beijing to nominate Xu.

“Ko has continued to support Xu and claimed that he is looking after the interests of Chinese spouses in Taiwan by saying they should also have political representation in the government,” Yang said, accusing Ko of nominating Xu to infiltrate the legislature.

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