Vice president open to easing rule for hiring foreign caregivers – Focus Taiwan Feedzy


Taipei, Sept. 2 (CNA) Current regulations that require senior citizens in Taiwan to undergo a functionality assessment if their family want to hire a foreign caregiver to care for them need to be modified, Vice President and presidential candidate Lai Ching-te (???) said in a televised interview on Saturday.

Lai of the Democratic Progressive Party said in the interview broadcast by Formosa Television Co. that the regulation should be brought into line with the growing demand for caregivers in Taiwan.

He did not elaborate on how regulations should be modified, but in response to a question on whether he would exempt Taiwan citizens 80 years old and over from the functionality assessment, known as the Barthel Index, said “that is a direction” worth considering.

The index is used in clinical practice and research to measure an individual’s ability to complete activities of daily living (ADL) and elderly and severely ill citizens in Taiwan are currently required to undergo such an assessment conducted by a hospital if their family wishes to hire a foreign caregiver.

Approval of the employment of a foreign caregiver is based on the ADL scores obtained in 10 areas of the Barthel Index.

The idea of revoking the Barthel Index requirement for certain seniors in need of foreign caregivers was first proposed by Lai’s rival and New Taipei Mayor Hou Yu-ih (???) of the opposition Kuomintang (KMT) earlier this week.

Hou has pledged to remove the requirement, not only for Taiwan citizens 80 years old and over, but also for those in the 70-79 age bracket who suffer from severe illnesses, including cancer that has advanced beyond Stage 1, if elected president next January.

Premier Chen Chien-jen (???) weighed in on the issue on Friday, saying the Cabinet has instructed the health and labor ministries to work together to streamline the process by which people obtain permission to hire foreign caregivers for seniors.

This includes reviewing the Barthel Index requirement, Chen said, adding that the government’s goal is to ensure everyone gets the care they need.

During the interview, Lai also promised to expand long-term care services in Taiwan, such as increasing community-based facilities and strengthening the capability of existing institutions, if elected.